As far as air conditioning goes look into Rainbow Products. the guys name is Mike Brown 704-278-0054.
We, were considering a Vintage Air system for in a customers 66 Impala but after doing some asking around we decided to give this Rainbow Products a try. The unit worked awsome!!
They are a dealer for something like 14 different A/C companys and they took the best traits of several different brands units and rolled them all into their own design, plus being a dealer for all of the other companys, he can get you things such as the factory style vents for you truck from Vintage Air. The units also have a 1 year warranty and the best part about it is that the warranty stars the day you fire up the unit the first time NOT the day you purchase it!! He told me he understood the fact that projects can sit for a while and your warranty would be up before you projects is. The customer service was great. We had a few parts such as 90 degree A/C line fittings and such that came with the unit that didnt work for our particular application and he exchanged them no problem. I plan on putting one of these units in my own truck. Ill look though my pictures later and post any pictures of the install I have.