68, what is up with the mean green machine anyways ?
cool deal Blue!
im almost getting there also, the 68 clip is now on the 71, i fabbed it on today minus hood and inner fenders(leaving off til after is driveable and bugs worked out)
all left to do now is all new braking system, column install, bed bolt down, tank install in rear, heater install, door guts install, dash install, engine assembly(top end tommorrow), and uhmm driveshaft and bumpers, and all linkages, carb, clutch, etc etc and some wiring here and there(install, not splicing or repairing)
good luck!
Randy- Lincoln, IL
randy@ccaonline.com 2177353230
*many GM parts bought, traded, or sold -am parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham
current fleet: -71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07- basketcase
-84 Z28 5.0L/700R4/3.73 daily driver
-84 Firebird/SE 2.8L/T-5/3.73/engine bad
-82 purple Trans Am, project #2
*Paint is overrated*
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