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Old 12-23-2006, 09:58 PM   #5
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Re: Need Suggestions Please.

I would guess that he had somthing (rack, post or?) in that pocket and it got hit some how. I also would just weld in a new plate to fix your problem but keep in mind you said it was brazed before! You can not weld to metal that has been brazed so you will need to cut that area out past were the brazing was done and then replace it with a piece of sheet metal. If your buddy brazes than you can go right over it but if not start cutting! The new weld can not stick to the brazed areas that is why it needs to come out. Now if you want to keep the stake pocket I am sure a board member has and totaled bed side laying around ready for the dumps they would cut this section out for you. That way it gets fixed and looks stock if that is what you want.

LFD Inc.
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