frame warped " a little"
After doing the driver side frame rail i noticed when i looked down the truck
that the frame rail was had moved a little. Not warped as in out to lunch warped but had sucked in a little after welding in the 2by4 tubing. I took some measurements from different points off the side of the tranny to the frame rails and after everything was said in done there was one point where there was an 1/8 of an inch difference between where i measured from the side of the tranny to the unaltered passenger side rail as compared to the boxed in one.
In a nutshell i took 2 exact points on each side of the tranny and measured across in 2 or 4 different spots to the inner lip on the top of the railand there was only 1 area that was out a bit.
I should have ran angle iron across the rails to prevent movement.
When i go to do the other side should although its a little late tack some angle iron across to each rail and stop the other one from moving out???
I hope this all makes sense. I hate preventable mistakes because its not like i shouldnt have know better that there would be movevement with heat. Im a welder for !!!!@ sakes. lol