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Old 12-25-2006, 10:33 PM   #1
ran out of money
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a shot in the dark, spring related

well first off i hope everyone had a great holiday!

OK here is my question, im trying to find a pair of trick springs for the front of my truck to drag race with. im wondering if chevelle springs or camaro springs will work. i know what spring rate i want and everything. Just im wondering is there a difference in diameter from chevelle to camaro to truck springs and is there a difference in height from a chevelle or camaro spring to our truck spring? for some reason i think the 70's camaros had tall springs, but i could be wrong. my attempt is to keep my same ride height (a stock spring with a 2.5 spindle drop) and gain the pitch rotate from a trick spring.

Thanks everyone for your help, sorry it was a long question.
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