I have spoken with the previouse owner of this one;

I can't remember his name at the moment, but I do have this info;
The owner had to go to the G.M. archives to get the paint code. It is described as Corral Ice pink 0038, and there is only one company who still makes it.
The only thing I have been able to find on them, is it was only available in Canada, and every dealer got one, but they could order more if they so desired.
This was supposed to be a GMC thing, not a chevy thing.
His truck was all original, a cheyenne model (sierra) 350/TH5350, and even had the original hubcaps. Now it has the 502/502 with a TH350 and the rallys. IIRC he sold it 2 years ago. He was a member over at Wess' board. I wanna say dennis... i know the last name, but I won't repeat it.... (you'd be p!ssed if i gave out your last name)