Well, the lines on my 72 are routed on the rear of the x member, and they are original, so I believe that is incorrect. The way they run is from the proportioning valve they run to a T block at the top left corner of the x member. Fom there the right line is ran on the rear of the x member an curves up and over the x member under the motor mount, where it make a right and is attached to the flexible line at the bracket. the Left side is routed a little differently, but I cannot remember exactly how right now. You may be lucky enought to only have to change the master cylinder, and the fittings on the ends of your existing lines, if they don't fit the new soft lines for the disks. They should fit though. With the extra drop there really shouldn't be a problem with clearance of the lines. It should be a really easy swap.
I'm going to Law School, wanna debate? It's good practice.