Thread: timing Q...
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Old 01-02-2007, 09:55 PM   #11
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Re: timing Q...

WOW, a lot of different ideas and the basic is the reality.. Put the #1 at TDC and drop the distributor in with the rotor pointing at that #1 spot on the distributor cap. Install the plugs and wires and start the motor. You will have to turn the dizzy slightly in the advance direction, to get the motor to startand run. The idle should be set up slightly, BUT no more than is actually needed to set the timing. Once the timing is set, then adjust the idle to the RPM you normally keep for a vehicle in neutral or Park, I personally use about 900 RPM, which gives me 700 RPM i n the "DRIVE" popsition on the tranny. Now would be a good time to recheck the timing and ensure that it is set to where it is desired. I never did set timing at 8 degrees with my trucks. I used to set it at 10 to 12 degrees and then worked from there. I now finish my timing with a performance advance timing tune to get the TOTAL advance timiing of 36 degrees. However before you can run you must walk, so set the timing at the initial numbers that you like and then work from there.

Everyone has a different way of dropping a dizzy, but the most prevelent is to find TDC,using the #1 cylinder with the timing marks at "0", then set the distributor to feed from there. That way you will not go wrong or get confused.
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