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Old 01-05-2007, 02:54 PM   #16
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Re: Windshield is killing me...

Well, that was fun...NOT!!!!! Had a new gasket and chrome trim from LMC (first huge mistake). The glass guy showed up and just smiled. Said I'll do what I can. After the first hour of fighting chrome that doesn't fit, we got around to trying to put it in frame. Everytime we would go to pull cord and seat glass (there were four time we did this), the non-fitting chrome would pop out of gasket. After four (yes, I said 4) hours he said to get hold of LMC and have them get decent stuff to work with. This guy has been doing windshields for 26 years and said a half hour is all it should take him. In 26 years he has only broken 2. Anyhow, I called LMC and got a fella that spoke, how shall I say, broken english. Slighly arabic or something (trying to be politically correct here). The two issues we discussed was the oversize of the gasket itself, and the non-fitting chrome. He had me measure the gasket at the top so they could compare to one they had there. Quality control at it's finest. He then went through the catalog he had to see if there was a different chrome for trucks and Blazers. My word wasn't good enough. After all of that he then informed me he would "look into it" and get back with me somewhere towards the first part of the week. "Thank-you for calling LMC, good day"!
Don't want to hijack your thread but needless to say I'm a little cheesed, PO'd or what ever I can say without having my hands slapped.
Note to self; No LMC.
70 K5 350/350 Air
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