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Old 01-06-2007, 01:00 PM   #19
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Phantom 68 Longhorn with AC and 396&400

i've never figured the DD... I think Rod had something on that.
As far as engine castings, I really never bothered learning how to decode engines. I attempted a few times, but said forget it. There's a few ppl here that will chime in... kinda suprised they have not already.
As for the lwb step sides... you need to look at the wheel base too, that's where you are confused on what I was saying. (let me scroll up and make sure it's not my fault)
You read that as no LWB step sides.... I was talking about longhorn wheel base... not regular LWB.
Step sides came in 3 sizes;
6 1/2 ft... only in 115, or 1/2 ton.
8 ft... came in 1/2 ton and 3.4 ton. (there's the LWB step)
9 ft... came in one ton only, and only on the 133 inch wheelbase.
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