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Old 01-06-2007, 05:02 PM   #6
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: New guy with questions, imagine that :-)

tranny wil be a non lock up Th350, or a non lock up Th400... if original. The monte ss should have a 200 4R 4 speed overdrive in it.... as original.
The rear could be leaf or coil, coil is still more common on the chevys, even in 3/4 ton.
The rear, not a 10 or 12 bolt... 3/4 ton would have a GM corporate rear with an Eaton diff... looks like a ford 9 inch with the drop out section, but with a cover on the back side too. It may have a Dana in it, but the eaton is more common.
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