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Old 01-07-2007, 05:56 PM   #10
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Re: Finally getting a 1/2 top and now I need your help!!!

Well I started making my custom fiberglass cover today. I remembered I have a snug top cover for a 88-98 truck that I have let set outside on the ground the last 4 years. I went and retrieved it from the old house that we rent out and brought it home and started measuring and cutting. I was plenty long enough but not quite wide enough. Here is the fun part, I cut the front of it off to the lenght I needed for the side to side and then I cut the lip that goes down the bedside off. I am going to fiberglass that lip to where I cut the original front of it off. That lip is going to be the new side that goes down the bed of the blazer. The side that I cut the lip off of is going to be the new front. I hope this makes sense, basically I am turning the cover 180 degrees and that is how it is going to set on the blazer. I will get some pics the next time I work on it.
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