Originally Posted by BUDDY
I am interested in a hard top, so if you have one to swap that's in pretty good shape w/ a good hatch + some cash I might be willing to work with you. Actually, there are a few things I'd be willing to consider for trade - TBI setup, doubler, nv4500, (right), crossover steering, D60 & 14-bolt, etc., etc.
My local club is planning a trip out to Paragon sometime this summer, maybe we could hook up there.
Does the top/bulk-head part come with the camper?
I have a top but need to double check the hatch.
No TBI but I do have a TPI set up and two serp belt systems also.
No drive train parts I can spare currently though.
Traveling while wheeling is what has me interested in your camper.
We're down in PA early May this year for the first trip, normally try to make it a couple more times during the year too.