I had a cop follow me for blocks the other day. I could have sworn he was gonna stop me. I made all kinds of crazy turns and he was there just following me all around
I dont know why he was following me and I dont know why he didnt stop me. He followed my for about 2 miles all the way to my driveway then just drove off.
I guess those "I Support Local Law Enforcement" stickers are really paying off. My mom donates $20 each year to the Ferternal (?) order of Police and they give her some window stickers. They got me out of one ticket!
I ran a stop sign by Maryvale High School and the cop stopped me instantly. I had my .45 sitting on the seat and he didnt even give a damn. I said I have a firearm in the vehicle and he said where I said right here (and pointed at it, but didnt grab for it of course). He said alright and went back to his car. Didnt even look at it twice never ran numbers or anything. Usually they will get you out of the truck atleast. Anyway he noticed the stickers and asked if I had family in law enforcement. I said No (but I do I didnt think of my uncle) anyway I told him we donate and they give us the stickers. He said thats good, nex time stop. Have a good day. And he left. I couldnt believe it. That was a good day!