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Old 01-12-2007, 06:02 PM   #11
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Re: Slop in steering wheel

ok you guys talk about the gears freezing up, well i think that's happening to me, and i have quite a bit of slop. during my rebuild of the truck i rebuilt the column, and put on a new coupler, or i guess some call it a rag joint.

my steering is still sloppy and the tie rods could use replacing, but besides that, when i turn left, it makes a terrible noise... like air sucking when you don't have power steering fluid in there, but i do. only when turning left, and every now and then the steering wheel gets stuck in a certain position (turning left it'll get stiff from 12 to 11 o'clock, fine til 9 o clock, stiff til about 8... not exactly but as an example) and twice it's rained real hard and i'll hit a puddle and the wheel will lock up in whatever position it's in until i shake the wheel back and forth for about 20 seconds, then it turns. i think this is the freezing of gears you're talking about. new gearbox?

oh and i have power steering if you couldn't tell.

Last edited by matthufham; 01-12-2007 at 06:05 PM.
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