I think I can beat that story....
About 5 yrs ago I was with my old man driving his 94 ZR-1.

Nice day out..hehe...dude with his chick rolls up in a heavily modded LT1 vette. hehe
We ummm....well Stomped it!! Running on a 4 lane new cement road where you can see for miles!! NO one around other than on the other side ofthe road which is seperated by 100 yards of dirt/grass.
So I am royally thumping him and I let off at 170mph!! haha My dad says...dont slow down!! haha Back in the throttle!
To our knowledge after we let off , we were just fine..sitting off the road 1/4 mile about 5 miles past where we raced.
As we are talking a dude and his wife pull up in his wife's hatchback accord old beat up terd....he jumps out hte pass side....screaming and cussing asking for our liscenses.. we are like WTF?? claims that he is CHP so dad says give it to him. He takes em both back to his wifes car comes back throws them at us and just leaves!! haha
So we say screw that and follow him and pull him back over by pulling in front of him and stopping blocking his path.....he jumps out in a fit of rage again and the whole time we are asking questions he is just flippin out and calling names!! haha
Wont answer our questions....tells us he is a cop and he will be contacting us on Monday.
we leave and come monday he calls me in for a drag racing ticket...says we ran his wife off the road....which she wasnt on and was still name calling....
So in the end, we complained to his superior for his lack of control and crudeness and got a $1200 12pt ticket reduced to a 4pt speeding ticket. LOL!!
We did wrong but he handled it all wrong..so his idiocy paid off for me. lmao!!
Oh yeah...it helped to have my dad there....seeing as how he is an ex cop of 19 years!! haaha...telling the guys superior how childish he was acting and saying yes we were speeding but there were no other cars present.