Vette, Believe me I see your point and want to follow suit. I did nothing different than the hammer dude did with his offer. I got 4 infractions and a warning about this before I even turned my computer on, and the administrator wiped out all of the good info and knowledge that I posted to HELP YOU GUYS OUT!
Ya just don't get it do ya?
A guy trys to help out friends .,
I guess you were friends, we talked and walked the same !!!
What the heck is wrong here???????
I sacrificed my garage time and money to ship the stuff and I get my hands slapped???? would not a little PM way back in the beginning, to point out that this may be crossing the line, have been the better thing to do??
Was it because the hammers were "cool" that the hammer thread was allowed????
COME ON MODERATORS!!!!!! Open your eyes, please.