Originally Posted by OldSarge
I just want to lower my 69 C10 a few inches, not drop or slam it. What is the easiest and least expensive way to do it? Will changing the springs and shocks lower it?
Yes you can just change out your springs and shocks but that will afect your ride, handling and steering just a bit because of the change in cast and camber but most guys have started out that way at some point and time. For the front end that would run you about $150 give or take. The rear I would just do springs as it will not affect much if you are only wanting a few inches.
What most guys end up goint to in the front would be like discribed above are 2.5" drop spindles $229 (ECE) and 1 or 2" lower springs $110+- (ECE) then shocks. So since most of us end up going this way in the end why not learn from us and jusat do it to start with! It involves almost the same amount of work since you have to half way undo your stock spindle to change out a spring anyways. Good luck and I hope you like what ever way you go.
LFD Inc.