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Old 01-16-2007, 07:03 AM   #3
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Re: My Project Truck

How can I determine what year this 350 is? Also, other than taking it apart, is there a way to see if it's a 4-bolt main or 2-bolt main?

there are websites and books available that alows you to find out year and stuff from the serialnumbers stamped on the block

The Rochester Quadrajet has to be replaced. I've personallt rebuilt it twice and it's time to retire. I'd like to move away from the Quadrajet entirely, so what type of carb should I use to replace it that will allow factory specified power output? I think the Quadrajets are something like 750 or even 780cfm. Someone once told me that a Holly or Edelbrock 4-barrel in the 600-650cfm range would be a great replacement. Is this true? Also, what type of carb do I need? I look trough catalogs and see things like vacuum secondaries, mechanical choke, electric choke etc. How do I know which one I will need?

talk to a machineshop about that one , i like the demon carbs myself

As mentioned earlier, I don't know wether it's the TH350 or TH400. How can I find out? This tranny needs to be rebuilt. Is this something I can do myself or will that require some mashining work like an engine does? While I'm in there, I'd like to install a mild shift kit and an auxillary trans-cooler for longevity.

i is possible to rebuild it yourself but i advise against it , its not realy pricy to have a rebuild done in the states and you get a waranty for IF things go wrong

On to the rear axle....

How do I determine what type of gears I have in there? 2.73, there a way to tell? I'd like to install a Posi back there but keep the gears as close to stock as possible. Rear axle seals are shot too so those will be replaced at that time as well.

eeh something about lifting one reartire and look at the driveshaft rotations per one rotation of the wheel there websites explaining it

Other things...

Eventhough this is a 2WD truck, I like to make room for some larger tires. My dad always wanted to lift it a little. Do they make 3-inch body lifts for 2WD trucks? What about 3-4 inch suspension lifts? Just curious.

it possible to make youre own , ive seen hockypucs being used for that drill a hole in the middle and use longer bolts

Aside from all of that, I'd like your opinion on what to do to the engine/tranny to get factory-like power but perhaps some better gas mileage. I'll top things off with a K&N filter, but what else can be done to increase mileage?

maibe convert the engine to a TBI system (electronic fuelinjection )
i got a job again and having fun at it too

idea's for the trucks and the order of things to do are taking shape and get closer to being realized , a few more months and i be able to start building for real

i complete 2 of the trucks intoo running fashion one custom and one basicly stock the thirth will be sacrificed for parts
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