You guys sure don't make it easy to say no... Great arguments. Talk about devil's advocate.
Originally Posted by Pop's 72
Give in to the temptation!! I make payments on mine and have never regretted it. Have you been thinking about getting a 2wd? I thought you were more a 4wd guy? Or does the Burb cover that need now?
The Burb fills all of my 4x, hauling and offroading needs. I have really made that thing exactly what I wanted it to be.
I really like 69-72 K5s. A lot. I don't need another 4x4 and I know the 2wd's are getting more and more rare. I actually wouldn't mind something with 1/2 as much drivetrain actually. This would be a fun fair weather once a week and Sunday driver. I see those street 2wd 69-72s with some nice rims and the top off and it actually makes me salivate. I am doing it right now!
I am going to think about it overnight, and if it feels right I will go ahead and pull the trigger tomorrow; the guy commutes from Idaho and leaves on Thursdays, so I would try and at least get a deposit in his pocket tomorrow before he leaves. This was unplanned and I wasn't exactly in the market yet.
If I had to sum it up, it's definitely the right truck, but probably not the right time... So the question remains whether the time issue is something I want to force...