To check your timing you will need a timing gun. Hook the gun to the battery like your supposed to (if it runs off battery). Then hook the lead to the #1 spark plug wire. Make sure the truck is warmed up completely. Disconnect the vacuum to the distr. Start the truck and point the light down at the damper (you know where right?) There should be a little gauge next to it that tells the the degrees of advance. I think most guys set theirs anywhere from 4 - 10. I think mine is around 6 or so (maybe even 8). Anyway to adjust the timing, loosen the bolt that hold the distr. down then slowly and slightly spin the distr. clockwise or counter clockwise to change the timing less and more. Spin it a little bit then check the timing. Just keep playing with it till you get it where you want. Take it for a drive and see how she acts. But be sure to tighten the distr bolt and hook back up the vacuum to the distr. Ohh yeah and take your timing gun off too
What Im not sure about is how to set the total advance. Can someone help here?