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Old 01-18-2007, 06:58 PM   #15
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Location: Tallahassee, Florida
Posts: 21
Re: My Project Truck

Awesome. Thanks for all the replies, guys! I'm going to look into a TH700R4 tranny. I'll have it rebuilt with a mild shift kit, stock converter, and a better-than-stock tranny cooler. What do you guys think about the aftermarket external transmission fluid filters? They look like an engine oil filter but they're for transmission fluid and include a magnet to trap metalic particals. It's listed as trapping everything down to 4 microns. Go with it?

If the 700R4 works out, I'll change the rear end gears out to 3.42's. I know this truck is 2WD, but I'm going to lift it a few inches...enough to fit a set of 33x12.50's. Should I go with a Limited SLip or can I go with a Posi? My brothers' 92 Dakota 4x4 has a posi rear end and I love it!
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