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Old 01-18-2007, 08:43 PM   #9
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Re: 81 SWBSS How much is this worth & lowering ?

Originally Posted by N2TRUX View Post
If it is truly rust free and everything works like it should that's not a bad price. It's not cheap, but if the paint is in good condition it's still worth it.

If they only cut one coil up front and didn't heat the spring too much when they did it, that's fine. If they got the spring too hot, or cut more than one coil, plan on replacing it sooner or later.

Dixiesys is correct about the rear. If all they did was remove leaves from the spring pack then the rear will be too soft. It may be alright for cruisin but will need to be redone if you ever plan to haul a load.

My suggestion would be to offer 3200 and see what happens.
Pretty much what he said. But if the truck is 100% rust free, and I had the money, I could live with myself purchasing it for 4 grand. It looks like a very nice truck.
1978 stepside C10 build:
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