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Old 01-19-2007, 08:09 AM   #24
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Re: SAD! Sold my truck....

I understand your pain dude. I would be sick if I had to sell my truck, even if it were for a good reason. I really miss this truck. I didn't sell it for money. My dad flipped it over in a ditch and damaged the cab. Dad paid me back what I paid for it which I later used as a down payment on our house, so it worked out. He sold the truck to a guy who straightened out the cab, fixed the scrapes and the busted fender, repainted it, and gave it to his son. This truck was almost perfect. There wasn't a dent or a spot of rust anywhere on that old truck. My wife called it the Booger.

68 C10 stepside, LS1/700R4, TCI Engineering suspension system

Last edited by 68Stepbed; 10-04-2007 at 10:39 PM.
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