Well, I must admit I made a mistake. And a big one at that. I filled up my radiator with a new bottle of antifreeze, slammed the hood, and drove around for 3 days. Couldn't figure out why my truck was getting so hot. Well, it helps if you put the cap back on the radiator. This just adds on to the numerous radiator problems I've already had. I go through a bottle a month, easy. I've had the radiator fixed several times, and I think it's just at the end of it's life. So my question is, what type of radiator (links please!) do you think I'll need for a basic 350 w/ about 290 hp, that will still fit this truck? I probably won't go with an electric fan, but maybe way off in the future. And, I don't have that nice 350 yet, but I will over the summer, so I figure I might as well go ahead and get a radiator that will work for it.
Or, can I do that? I have a 305 now...
Anyways, thanks guys. I'm hoping this won't set me back too much - I'd REALLY like to keep it fairly low priced. But I'm gonna go with all new hoses too, and a new overflow bucket.
