ok , friday night about nine i started taking the tranny out of the stang solo, i got all the connectors, and everything out, and then had my buddy help take it out, then we took it apart diagnosed it(bent shift forks), and put another lid on it, buddy help me stab it in the car, and i buttoned everything up myself( i was tired by this time, 1 or 2 o' clock) then took it off the jack stands, filled er up, put the shifter on(took to long), and we took it for a test drive(about 3 am) now i have second gear again

, so i fell asleep about 5 a.m, so about 9:30 my buddy calls me and asks if i wanna help him go pick up a car, we go pick it up, in the snow, raining outside, ground all slushy and slick, and bring it back to his place, stock a battery in it, it just sits and turns over, so i get it in the shop(the car had a very small electric fire), it had burnt the timing belt all up so we took everything off so we could replace it, set the timing on it, sit there with carb cleaner for a while(it was getting fuel, and spark though), we are finally like screw it, we run a compression test on it and it was 30-something pounds(blown head gasket) so that little 2.3 ain't any good, he asks me what i would do with it, i said 460, and he was like that is a good idea, and had all but two small parts to have everything for the swap, so we are building a 80 mercury capri with a 460, and some kind of tranny (don't know yet, so this next week we are gonna pull the motor and tranny and make sure all the lights and everything work, and start the 460 swap