Well I washed the truck today (with alot of water) and I did not find a single water leak

So I am thinking the rust in the kick panels is from leaves being built up in the air boxes.
I also pulled the cluster out so I could put in a new cluster that came with the truck. It also came with a new lense and bezel. The only thing is this cluster has the air gauge and the lense has the Vac label but for the price I can not complain and I will be using it for the rear load bags. Before I put in the cluster I need to replace the vent ducting and run a few more speaker wires. I am also trying out some Bituthene on the floor just in a small spot to see if it gives off any smell when it heats up. If not then the entire inside will get covered under the carpet. It is about 25% the cost of Dyna mat and has 90% of the same qualitys. Plus I have a 50' roll left over from my roof that I would like to use if it works. Also when I pulled the front tire for the box change yesterday I noticed how light the wheel was then noticed it is a US Indy Mag. I remember the name but can not place it. Does anyone remember what the deal is with them? They are 8 1/2's
LFD Inc.