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Old 01-24-2007, 08:22 PM   #3
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Clay Center, Kansas
Posts: 76
Re: Sending Unit Test?

Are you trying to troubleshoot your gauge or if you are getting fuel through the unit? If you are trying to get your gauge working then pull the unit out but clip it to the body or gas tank so it is grounded. Then manually move the float arm and the gauge should swing from full to empty. You can check the gauge by itself by unhooking the wire. Unhooked should go to empty and then it should read full if you ground the wire (I could be off on that...if your results are opposite I just remembered it wrong). Blow through it to see if there is gunk in it. On mine the sock on the end was completely solid. Looked ok but wouldn't let air or gas through. The end of the sending unit tube was also clogged...I cut off a couple inches and put on a rubber hose to get by until I get my new sending unit from LMC installed.

'63 GMC
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