Well the vent job turned out to be a bigger project than I thought it would be. In order to get to everything I decided to remove the radio (I also wanted to see if the dash was cut at all) an it made it much easier to get to the center vent. I also found that all but one tube was broke in several places and one tube to the center vent was not even their. I also thought it would be a good idea to draw a simple routing for the vents before removing everything. Then I decided to remove the lower duct work so I could clean it out (the water was black that came out of the inside

) with warm water and a soft paint brush. Everything worked alot smoother after it was dried. That is about as far as I got tonight and I will try and finish it up on Friday after work. Also one of the best work lights I have come accross so far is this light by Craftsman that my brother got me for Christmass.
LFD Inc.