Thread: Ball joints...
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Old 01-26-2007, 12:19 AM   #1
I survived Dead Man's Curve.
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Ball joints...

Hey y'all,

My dad is converting his 67 to dropped disc brake spindles (MY 67 is getting a new intake in the mean time). Anyway, supposing we received the RIGHT spindles for a 1967 truck, is he going to have to get new ball joints for the lower A arms? WIll a 1967 ball joint fit these lowered disc spindles? The ones he has now are either too big or too small. Can't remember.

We sent the spindles back (they were the wrong years). SO, in the event that they can't supply him with the proper spindle, can he get ball joints off of a different truck and use them with the spindles he DID receive?

"The people should not be afraid of their government. The government should be afraid of it's people."

"The Hurricane"
1967 Chevrolet C10
350 Eight Cylinder, 700R4 BowtieOverdrive

Cherry Bomb... Disturbing the Peace Since 1968.
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