Originally Posted by nevada70chev
My garage is 3 car attached 20x30. It is stud and open rafters. I need some ideas of getting it into the best "man room" as my wife call it. I was thinking, separate/upgrade electrical 220v for welder, shop ceilingheater, plumb for air, lighting, some way to setup for painting, any other ideas and pics are very helpful. Thanks.
Well, if you can't embarass yourself in front of your (virtual) friends, who can you embarass yourself in front of?

So I went and took a couple pictures of my shop in full disaster mode to make a few points from my design.
I had a couple of rules, and learned a couple of things:
- It's all about floor space. Make space OUTSIDE of the garage for everything you can.
- Everything inside is on wheels.
- Shelves. Not cheezy, cheap shelves but some serious ones. The one in my shop can hold 600# per rack - and were fairly cheap.
- Usually one of the biggest problems is depth vs. width...so think hard about anything in the front of the garage.
- When the house/garage was built, I had outlets put in 1/2 up the wall every 4'; if I had to do again I would have put them lower.
- I had 2 220's put in - one for my compressor in the corner, one on the far wall for my welder.
- I just put down the Rustoleum epoxy paint this summer, and I"m impressed - it's held up great. Two coats though...I'm putting my 2nd down this summer. Surface prep is critical.
- Definitely want a sink and parts washer - ideally right next to each other.
I'm not sure what else to tell you. I'm in the middle of building a shed to get the lawn stuff and bikes out of my shop, and the portable workbench and junk is going to a friend as soon as he gets his lazy a...I mean, as soon as he can come to get it.
The first picture is my shorter stall. My '69 Vette project is here, and my compressor is in the back corner with my sandblaster right next to it. My shopvac and heater store between the blaster and the compressor...which means it's easy to hook the vac to the blaster to keep things clean while blasting. LOTS of shelves on that side. My hoist fits neatly between the garage doors. Virtually all of the junk in the middle will disappear next month.
The second picture is my double stall and primary work area. In the front is a freezer on a stand to turn it sideways so the door doesn't reduce my depth. Next to it is my sink and parts washer. The workbench sticks out only 4" wider than the garage door opening. Engines, jacks, parts, etc. along this wall and a roller for my tools. Again, lots of shelves
Hope this helps; no comments about cleaning up the shop ;-)