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Old 01-28-2007, 09:37 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 5
New member with question?

First I would like to say hi to everyone on this forum. I have been a fan of classic Chevy trucks for some time. The question I have is about a 1970 C10 LWB that is being offered to me through a trade. I had previously placed an online ad to sell or trade my music equipment for a truck or old car from the 60's to 70's. I am supposed to see the truck today sometime today, when I hear from the owner. He sent me some pictures of the truck and I would really appreciate it if you guys could let me know what the truck would be worth. The music equipment I'm trading: Marshall JCM800 50 watt tube 1/2 stack, 1954 Fender reissue Stratocaster & Gibson Explorer Studio guitars has a value of about $2000. If the truck is not worth the total value of my equipment, I was thinking of offering him less of the equipment to be equivalent to what it would be worth.

Name:  70 Chevy C10.JPG
Views: 165
Size:  25.6 KB

Name:  70 Chevy C10 1.JPG
Views: 194
Size:  37.1 KB

Name:  70 Chevy C10 2.JPG
Views: 165
Size:  22.4 KB
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