Re: noise after valvetrain disassembly
Did you have the heads off? It took my 250 about 5 min to get oil back up after i put the head back on. Pour some oil on the valve train from the top side and try it again. It also made some really strange noises(kind of a suck/knock sound) for about 10 min until the oil was getting to everything. If it's knocking, are you sure the valves were set right? I had to set mine twice, the first time i had a valve a little off and with it tapping, i couldn't find it before oil was pumping eveywhere. So i shut it off, went back to TDC on #1, and set them all again, turning each up to TDC by hand, tightinig until the push rod wouldn't spin, then 1/4 turn. That should get you close enough to get it running for a final setting.