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Old 05-05-2002, 10:34 PM   #5
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Join Date: May 2000
Location: IL
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std gvw on 1/2 ton was 5000
std gvw on 3/4 ton was 7500
std on 1 ton was 10,000

i had a 78 Big 10 that was 6200 and a 76 BB 3/4 ton that was 8200, i have both VIN plates still heh, they were both way heavy for their deisgnation, heaviest 1/2 in 67-72 ive seen so far is 5500, common,, havent seen anything over 10000 in 67-72 30 dually rear series yet- even with the aux springs and 18" wheels and all, have owned two such trucks so far, eyeing two or three others in the region, but theres no way right now,, eyeing some C50's too.....

Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
*many GM parts bought, traded, or sold -am parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham

current fleet: -71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07- basketcase, #1
-90 Cavalier 2.2L sky blue, driver, was free
-84 Z28 5.0L/700R4/3.73 daily driver
-84 Firebird/SE 2.8L/T-5/3.73/engine bad, project #2
-82 purple Trans Am, project #3
*Paint is overrated*
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