Glad to hear it Boise. I was able to remove every last fastener from the front clip of my 68 that had never been apart. There was rust through at both rear corners of the fenders and at the front pillars. Every fastener came loose. Worked real well when the door hinge bolts started to squeak and squal . The door lock mechanism and window regulator screws were also no sweat.
I have an old Willys Jeep that I am continualy painting over the reddish brown rust on the leaf springs with black paint and eventualy they look like the rust is everywhere all over again. The same thing on the tow bar and front bumper and safety chains. ( I use the Jeep as intended so paint doesn't last very long on the heavy metal parts) I finaly looked at it last summer, got the Gibbs can out and sprayed down the springs, bumper and tow bar and left it wet. The Jeep sets by the garage and the road out front is dirt. The dust rolls in the summer time and I thought this is the test for the "will not collect dust" claim. Even though the body and top were dusted thouroughly and got more on a daily basis, the parts sprayed down with Gibbs had dried, were not sticky, turned the rust an exceptable chassis black color, and it did NOT collect any dust.
Good stuff.
I would like to put this up somehow as a vendor on the board....................but I need Josh to okay that and let me know how to do that so it would be acceptable.