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Old 02-01-2007, 05:30 PM   #10
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: San Angelo or Eufaula
Posts: 301
Re: Paysa/Redneck/Jerry Rigged WTF were they thinking MOD?

Went to Miami,OK one day to test drive a '71 short wide Cheyenne, got there, truck looked good from the road. Closer look, it had a visor on the front and was bondoed to the body, to cover up the huge rust issue. Truck was nearly a convertible! Well, I drove it, and the first time I hit the brakes, it went to the floor, and I said hey man this thing ain't got any brakes. The guy said crap, I guess that didn't work. I limped it back to his house, and looked under it. He told me he had blown the drivers front brake hose off the day before, and to fix it, he wrapped saran wrap about 20 times around the hose, and put a mini-clamp on both ends of it. He was asking $4200 for this rolling deathtrap! Needless to say, it stayed in Miami,Ok.
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