Re: Paysa/Redneck/Jerry Rigged WTF were they thinking MOD?
Here's a common jerry rig that taught me a lesson.
Bought my truck from a dealer off ebay (first and last time) I take a day off work and drive up from Houston to Dallas to pick it up. I get up there and take it for a test drive and the truck looks/runs pretty much as advertised so we go into the office to do the paperwork.
We're about halfway through the paperwork and the guy tells me the A/C doesn't work too well; might need a shot of freon or it could possibly be the compressor. I was so worried about the body and the drivetrain I hadn't really checked the A/C but I figured no big deal, should be an easy fix. So we finish up the paperwork, I hop in the truck and away I go back down I-45.
I'm on the road for a little while and now it's starting to get hot. This was early afternoon in August by the way....I go to roll the driver's side window down and no go; window is stuck fast. I go to roll the passenger side down and the same thing. So I pull off at the next exit to see what the hell is wrong with these dang windows. Turns out both regulators were shot and the PO had done the old "wedge a piece of wood in the door to keep the window up" maneuver. Whoever it was had done one hell of a job wedging that wood in because I couldn't get either side to budge.
So I had to spend the next 3 1/2 hours driving in near 100 degree heat with nothing but the vent windows open to cool me off. Needless to say, I was soaked by the time I got home.
Next time I buy a truck, I'm taking a buddy with me to point out all the stuff I missed.
Last edited by Ole Blue 68; 02-02-2007 at 03:50 PM.