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Old 05-05-2002, 10:56 PM   #7
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itsa regional thing, most all of the bolts that hold the inner fender ot the outer never come out, the clip nuts snap and spin free always. taking apart takes forever thanks to this and always have to torch the rad support mounts, the bolts are always trash rotted.
i just slapped together 68 clip from scratch yesterdsay on the 71, newly painted rad support, a 71 gmc left fender a 68 chevy right fender and no inners, hardest part is alignign back edge of fender with door to get gap correct within 1/8", spacer shim at top forward bolt into cowl side,
maje sure doors ar aligned first where you want them before installing fenders. i got mine all set perfect, pass side was harder to do, the fender front end was up to high, large gap at bottom and rad support with new bushings installed tight, so the fornt tip of fender was down as far as it could go without more mods, used a 69-72 bushing kit so theres some of the problem right there. 67 68 bushings not as tall as 69-up ones.
oh well..

easycake, Harry Bradley did well

good luck

Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
*many GM parts bought, traded, or sold -am parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham

current fleet: -71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07- basketcase, #1
-90 Cavalier 2.2L sky blue, driver, was free
-84 Z28 5.0L/700R4/3.73 daily driver
-84 Firebird/SE 2.8L/T-5/3.73/engine bad, project #2
-82 purple Trans Am, project #3
*Paint is overrated*
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