Thread: Bus tow hooks
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Old 02-06-2007, 05:27 PM   #1
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Bus tow hooks

I've given up on winning the lottery. I went ahead and bought a pair of "bus" tow hooks. Mine are 9 inches long, 5 inches tall, with 3/4 inch holes. Obviously they dont just fit in-between the bumper and the spring perch, so I was thinking I would make a bracket to bolt under the frame between the perch and the bumper. I was going to make it out of 1.5 inch angle that is 1/4 inch thick. This extra distance would allow me to mount one hole of the tow hook to the frame, and the other to my bracket.

What am I not thinking of? Is this safe enough to jerk people out of the snow and mud?
If this doesn't work, I will probably mount them to the rear frame behind the bumper.

Thanks for your opinion.
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Last edited by boundstaffpress; 02-06-2007 at 05:31 PM.
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