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Old 02-07-2007, 12:07 PM   #15
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Re: Need opinions on BFG Mud Terrains

Did you get your 35's mounted at Sams?
Just curious because I tried to buy a set of tires, (for my Cavalier), at WalMart last summer and they wouldn't mount 'em because I wanted a size bigger than what the computer said it should have. Then they thought I was gonna buy the factory size and looked at me like I was stupid when I told 'em I'd get my tires somewhere else... More insurance BS.
Ended up getting them at a different place that had them mounted, balanced and out the door in less time than I spent at WalMart arguing with them.

The tire jockeys over at Sam's didn't ask any questions or have any problems throwing my 35's on. They were removing my old 33's to put them on so it was a little more than the next tire size up and way more that what is listed as stock for a Blazer. I parked it out side, went in, told them what I wanted, paid & handed them my keys and went shopping for 2 gallon jars of pickles and the rest of the oversized crap they have there. Had them installed in under an hour and get this they even pulled the tire stickers off and scrubbed the blue crap off of the letters. (Thats the little details I like seeing done, people driving with stickers on the tread drive me nuts)

1969k10- To each his own. I used to be hung up on that kind of stuff at one point. Had to have BFG's on my Nova or what ever else I was driving. I realized that I was paying more for a name, When I could have an equally capable tire in all aspects of performance and save some coin for the next part of my build. Granted my Blazer is no show piece (far from it), if it was really nice I still would have bought the dunlops.

Heck I was so impressed on how my 35's worked, I bought a set of dunlop all terrrains for my 04 trailblazer. I saved $30 a tire over Goodyears and almost $80 to the same size set of Michielen's. To tell you what my dad went with the michielens on his Trailblazer and you can't tell the difference in ride.

That's what I'm after is performance without paying a preimum for a name. Buying tires for a name only is nothing more than a fashion statement. If you want an example of the performance of the dunlops, I've played follow the leader with DirtyLarry and his swampers and gone every where he has. Granted the 4ft drifts on last years snow run was the only place he went that I didn't. But that had a lot more to do with his gearing, lockers and big block grunt forcing his way through than tires did.

I'm not slamming anybody for running BFG's, if they have worked for you fine. They do seem make a decent tire, my only issue is selecting a tire because of the name and name only. That part just dosn't make sense to me.
Rob Z.
1975 K5 350/465/205/D44/12b 4" lift on 35's- RIP
1991 K5 8.1L/NV4500/241/D44/14b FWC Camper
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