Thread: Bus tow hooks
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Old 02-07-2007, 01:18 PM   #10
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Re: Bus tow hooks

If mounted like your pic I would consider Boxing the frame horns all the way back to the 1st crossmember. Also running a brace between the frame horns out at the ends between the hooks. I have seen several trucks that have bent frames from mild impact, eg. front bumper to tree. Unless you can pull 100 percent straight-on to the load then you run the risk of pulling one or both of your frame horns out of wack.

I spent 4 years in the Army as a Tank Recovery crewman pulling tanks & APCs out of swamps and mud pits. Loads ranging from a 1/4 ton jeep to a 63 ton Abrams tank that threw it's tracks. Just to give you a idea of loads here is an example.

A 4000 lb truck that is stuck below the axle hub =4000lbs [wheel deep]
If that same truck is buried up past the axle hub [fender deep] it is DOUBLE the resistance: meaning it's 8,000 lbs you are trying to move.
If it is buried over the wheels [cab deep] it's triple the load =12,000 lbs

If the stuck truck is pulled backwards through it's own tracks subtract 10% from the load.

If the stuck truck can apply power to it's own wheels subtract 50% from the load.

One of these days I'm going to do a detailed recovery thread in the 4x4 section of the board but I think you get the idea. Make it stronger than stock.

Last edited by Americanrider; 02-07-2007 at 01:21 PM.
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