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Old 02-09-2007, 05:03 AM   #5
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Re: BBC Serpentine Brackets Installed with Pics?????????????

This was a GM kit. When I put the crate motor in the truck I wanted a new waterpump and alternator and power steering pump as most of them were factory except the alt which was 16 years old. When I priced them out it was cheaper to get the kit that the units seperately. The kit came with the brackets for tall deck and everything belts/bolts/brackets/WP/ALT/PWRSTRpump/airconditioner compressor/ both belts. I will check my book I keep in the truck and get the part number for the belt.
72 longhorn c30 502BB/th400/fact air/4.11rear/ custom camper
72 bug(the better half's) under reconstruction
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71 GMC k20 350/sm465
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Dave & Jeanne
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