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Old 02-09-2007, 11:27 AM   #4
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Re: what carb do you use to go off roading?

I ran Edelbrock Q-jet for years. It out performs all carbs off road. Once you get it tuned you rarely have to mess with it again. They hold a tune very well. The off camber works very well too. The only mod I recomend would be to add a 3" piece of fuel line to the float breather tube. THe float breather tube is the only source of fuel that can 'splash' into the intake. So by extending it the splash no longer happens.
All other carbs are for cars not trucks...well I have no experiace with the newer so called Off ROad carbs or Truck carbs but everyother guy I have wheeled with useing Hollys or Edelbrocks square body carbs sputter and puke when my Q-jet would just keep purring.
The only other choice would be Fuel Injection
My .02c
1972 K5 MPFI454/Sm465/Np205/D60/14FFd/Re-Centerd H1s w/Swamper Iroks
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