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Old 11-16-2002, 04:06 AM   #9
70 Jimmy
aka Crusher, Crushergmc
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Couple of comments (remember, I'm no expert, but I'm no engineer either! LOL ).
-You might think about just clipping the front end with camaro or chevelle front clip. They make a ton of "g machine" parts for them.

-You can notch the crossmember into the frame. I did it for a 1.5" drop before spindles and springs. Don't forget to notch for the steering linkage at the front, center of the crossmember.

-You could also step the frame up at the xmember (then back down before the rad support. I've seen this and it works real well because of the head room for the engine. Of course your engine may be higher, raising your center of gravity.

-You could also make your own xmember using 67-72 suspension. That would fix any xmember clearance problems.

Also, I don't think your rear swing arms will just "bolt up". I believe the frames are different. I could be wrong, it's happened before... I think. Hehehe.

Just to give you some options. You think like an engineer and as a Mechanical/Electrical/Software Technician, it's my job to supplement the engineers thought process. Kind of a reality check. Hope that doesn't sound arrogant because the engineers do the same for me. Remember, never over engineer a project, someone has to live with it. In this case, that someone is you. Keep it simple and avoid re-inventing the wheel (unless you just love doing that). OK, no more soapbox bs. GOOD LUCK and have fun!
70 Jimmy 454 2wd
56 GMC Big Window
"It's funny till someone gets hurt, then it's freakin' hilarious"
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