OK i finally got the donor 4x4 truck. So i start the tear down of the truck I had to remove the carpet and to my surprise the po redid the carpet but he did it with aftermarket pepboys carpet. and he replaces the old padding with house insulation. (no photo) But i get all the housing and braket removed inside the cab to make life easy when removale would start.
I first desided it would be best to remove the bed cause it the easiest to remove. After the bed was remove i toko a look at the frame. (photo)
After that was completed i then removed the front end all of which was allso easy bolt location are on at the bottom of fender near door. The next one is befind the door if you open it u can see it. last for the fender is on top under the hood cant miss it. Then i had to remove the bolt the hold the radiator support to the frame. (im only doing the bolt location for help not to make people feel dumb sorry if it does). (photo of front clip and bed )
Now a photo of just the front end no front end
I then prosseded to remove the cab it bolt location are two in the rear and two underneath were your feet go. You can only get those out from underneath no nut on top. Well for me they didnt come out as easy as i wished so for the rear bolt i raised the cab a bit to expose the bolt and cut it with a saws all. For the front bolt to remove them i had to go from above. Luckly i didnt need the cab and it was rusted through. I cut out around were the bolt is and cut all the supports the were leading to it. (making a big square in the floor around it)
To remove the cab i did a stupid way to do it by my self i just picked it up and fliped it off the frame it didnt seam to wiegh the 500 lbs people were telling me.
(Photo of cab sitting next to frame upside down u should be able to see the hole in the floor)
And here is a shot of just the frame and the motor with trans. the frame is going to be sanded and primed the rubberized with bed liner. All lines will be replaced and duel tanks will be mount to frame.
After i sanded about half the frame My back hurts so i think ill rest for the rest of today then get started again monday. (all u see above was done by myself with no help i sugjest u get help cause im paying for it know and my back hurts)

(also this was done in 2 days not one)
O and for the one ton which is the 4x4 donor it had 14 blot rears (not using) and granny fourspeed with t case (not using) and a 350 (not using) The springs are worn out but i was goiing to use them tell i can buy new ones. But one of the rear spring of the 8 are broken it not in between the bolt that hold the rear in so i should be ok i hope.