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Old 02-12-2007, 01:12 AM   #3
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: power steering question?

how long did you run the engine? How much did you turn the wheel?

At work, when we were doing P/30 rebiuilds, we'd hook everything up, and with the front end in the air, we'd fill it up, and crank the wheel back and forth 3 times with the engine off. Top it off, and move on to something else. Re-check it in a 1/2 hr, top off id needed, and then fire the engine. Crank the wheel from lock to lock, pausing for about 2 seconds on with lock, and then center it and recheck. 99% of the time, this took all the air out, and no more topping off was needed.
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