Re: Please help me find a paint booth!! I want to get back to the trucks!!!!
A bunch of bad things at once... Spring broke on carb, sticking wide open throttle... then before I could turn off the car the tranny dropped into gear. I wasn't even completely in the car. I had to avoid the house (10 ft from front bumper) turned down the driveway (between the house and nighbors fence). The end of thedrive has an iron gate and the Trailblazer SS on the other side, I was headed straight for them, so I decided to put the car into a tree to avoid wrecking anything else. The car was wide open throttle the whole time and left tire marks down the drive. The tree was 35 ft from the front bumper of the car. I never even had time to hit the brakes. I barely got my feet in the car! Sad day. It was the day before the maiden voyage of the car... At least it didn't happen with my wife and daughter in te car and I didn't run into anyone on the street. THe most important thing is noone got hurt!
1972 C20 Suburban- Big Blue Betty
'56 Chevy Bel Air Sedan- Frame up Restoration
-What would you attempt to achieve if you knew you could not fail?-
-I Refuse To Tiptoe Through Life, Only To Arrive Safely At Death's Door-