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Old 02-12-2007, 10:36 PM   #30
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Re: Need opinions on BFG Mud Terrains

I have had good luck with the BFG MTs, I like the 3ply side wall, thats saved my butt a few times( ecept for once which I dont talk about much...twich twich), but any way I have always gotten at least 40k out of a set, my buddy was running them on his truck and was driving abut 200mi a day, he consistently got 50k out of them. He tryed some yokohamas and only got like 25k out of them. I have tryed the mud rovers with good results but they are a tad louder. I must add though BFG mudds SUCK IN THE SNOW!!!!!! I mean bad, my 98 GMC would slid into the gutter at stop lights from the crown in the road! I went to allterains and had no trouble. I have swamper SSR Raidials on now and they are great in the snow, mud, ice, you name it, I have about 30k on them and they are about half way through the tread, but they are starting to wear faster now and have gotten louder.
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