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Old 02-17-2007, 04:03 AM   #90
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Re: How to lower my ride? Please help a newbie.

Originally Posted by boxrodz View Post
los-lowrider -
What type of suspension setup are you going to use in the rear (existing leaf spring, 4-bar, cantilever, ...)? For a rear mount bag above or behind the rear axle, a sleeve bag (ie. Firestone F9000s) would give you a better ride. You can use a double-convoluted bag (ie. RE7s), if you intend to setup a cantilever system for the rear.
I am going tu use the existing leafs. The rear is lowered 7" with a flip kit and hangers, also I have a Werstern c-notch installed.
So nothing special, the only thing is the space which isn't really much. I plan to put both sides to the cap like N2TRUX did it.
BTW, is it correct to get an extra drop by removing leafs? I read this several times but I am not sure on the effort of this. Is this caused due the lower capacity with minor leafs and if I would remove two leafs what drop would this offer?
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