My brother worked at Blacks Auto Shop in Colorado when he graduated from school. This sounds like a typical blond joke and would be a good one if it weren't true. This lady from California comes in and asks to have high altitude air put in her tires... her friends from California told her that the air in Colorado was thinner than the air in California so she should have it changed when she arrived.
She would not believe them when they told her she didn't have to do it.
So... they flattened all her tires while she watched and aired them up again... charged her $10 per tire and she was happy as a lark.
The Fastor Pastor
'68 swb, 447 BBC/ 6-71 Weiand, Dual 950 Bigs Carbs/ 2 1/2" Header tubes - 4" collectors/ M-21 4speed:
'70 swb; TH-400 - bagged & shaved. Looking for new engine or parts.
Wife - Original {A Real Classic!}